submitted by admin on Apr.22, 2009
When searching for website hosting, you need to know what kind of hosting plan to purchase. There are shared hosting plans, windows hosting plans, VPS hosting plans, and Dedicated Hosting Plans. While it’s easy to tell the difference between Shared vs Dedicated Hosting, it might not be as simple to see what the differences are between Virtual Private Server (VPS) and Dedicated Hosting.
A Virtual Private Server hosting plan is aimed at users who require SSH or root access to the server and users who need a guaranteed amount of RAM and processor speed. You are still sharing the server space with a VPS plan; however, you are only sharing the server with 20-25 other people. Be cautious in choosing the right cheap VPS hosting provider, as many unknown hosts will attempt to pack too many customers on one VPS server. Our recommended Dedicated hosting provider offers VPS hosting plan for under $40/month and offers guaranteed 512MB RAM.
A Dedicated Server Hosting Plan is aimed at customers who not only require SSH access and guaranteed RAM but who do not want to share the server space and processor with any other users. Dedicated server hosting is best for bandwidth intense, high storage, and extreme resource websites. Game servers, websites that make the front page of Digg or other popular social networking sites, resellers, web designers, and even web hosts.
A word of advice: look for cheap Dedicated Server Hosting! There are many providers who will charge a fortune for the same services as an experienced, affordable host, so go with a recommended choice.
Overall, check out the kinds of resources you’re going to be demanding of your server and that should provide you with further insight into your needs and help you understand if you need a VPS or Dedicated server.